PADI Club™

The World’s Largest Community of
Ocean Lovers
Enjoy 20% OFF select PADI eLearning® programs, FREE ReActivate® online scuba refresher course, 25% off a new Certification Card, a subscription to Scuba Diving magazine + more when you join PADI Club™.
DAN Divers Alert Network

DAN Membership
DAN offers two levels of membership to give divers more choices than ever before. Select Enhanced Membership with higher coverage limits and a print subscription to Alert Diver magazine or choose Regular Membership that provides proven benefits for dive travelers.
DAN Dive Accident Insurance
DAN dive accident insurance offers divers an affordable way to protect themselves against unpredictable expenses associated with diving accidents and dive travel. It covers diving, nondiving, and named water sports accidents & injuries and pays 100% of eligible accident medical expenses up to US$500,000.
DAN Trip Insurance
With an option available for one trip or many, DAN’s trip insurance programs feature good rates, great coverage, an optional cancel-for-any-reason provision, and coverage for preexisting medical conditions.