PADI Course Rates
Here is a list of all our PADI course rates. All inclusions in the rates are mentioned accordingly such as materials or gear rental. For gear rental please check our rates here.
If you are looking for a PADI or TDI technical dive course or rebreather class please follow the links.
All course rates are subject to applicable taxes and are subject to change.
Course | Description | Price per person |
Discover Scuba Diving | All rental gear included, rate based on 2 or more students | $230.00 [$255.00 for 1 Student] |
Discover Scuba Diving Pool Session only (no reef dives in open water) | $105.00 [130.00 for 1 Student] |
Scuba Review | All gear rental included. Can add ReActivate online course at additional fee. Rate based on 2 or more students. | $230.00 [$255.00 for 1 Student] |
add ReActivate online course (PADI certified divers) | $81.00 | |
Scuba Diver | Includes online course, materials and rental gear | $480.00 |
Open Water Diver | Includes online course, materials and rental gear | $669.00 |
Open Water Diver Referral | Referrals w/ online course purchased. Includes all gear rental. | $375.00 |
Referral Pic/Certification if needed | $70 | |
Non-PADI to PADI Referrals. Additional pool session and all rental gear and certification included. | $550.00 | |
Non-SDI to SDI Referrals. All rental gear and certificaton included. | $475.00 | |
PADI Scuba Diver Upgrade | please contact us for pricing. | |
Adventure Diver | Includes online course and tanks and weights for training dives | $360.00 |
Advanced Open Water Diver | Includes online course and tanks and weights for training dives | $510.00 |
AOW Intensive Course with additional classroom session, includes online course and tanks and weights for training dives | $610.00 | |
Nitrox Add-on | Includes online course | $227.00 |
Rescue Diver | Includes online course and tanks and weights for training dives | $575.00 |
Emergency First Response (EFR) | Includes online course | $195.00 |
Emergency O2 Provider | Includes online course | $195.00 |
Specialties | Please refer to the Specialties | Master Scuba Diver page for pricing info | |
Divemaster | Includes Divemaster Online Course, Divemaster Crew-Pak and tanks and weights for training dives. | $1,975.00 |
Dive Theory (optional), highly recommended for Divemaster course | $185.00 | |
Open Water Scuba Instructor | EFRI | Includes mandatory instructor crew paks, First Aid/CPR Instructor credential, and tanks and weights for training dives. | $3,725.00 |