Key Largo, Florida
+1 305.394.5046

Category: News & updates

Key Largo Scuba Diving

Diver Shallow

How to become a Scuba Diver in Three Days

1, 2, 3 – Scuba Certified in the Florida Keys So, this is one of the most often brought up questions by our customers here at Scuba-Fun: “How does a scuba certification actually work?” Followed by: “How long does it really take?“. Well, let’s shed some light, shall we? Getting Scuba Certified vs Trying Out…
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Florida Spiny Lobster on Reef

Florida Keys Lobster Season

Every year at the same time things get a little more hyped up than usual in the Florida Keys, and that is when Lobster Season has finally arrived and it is again allowed to hunt and collect these tasty critters after a four-month hiatus that is in place to allow proper spawning of this species.…
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